Academic Labor News

Treadmill to Oblivion

An anonymous instructor describes 25 years working as an adjunct.

Leading Thoughts: It's Time to Focus on People

"Focusing more intently on faculty — whether that’s professional development, bias training or simply consulting them on major decisions —is going to be critical to the success of any leader in higher ed."

Discourse of 'Don't'

Adjunct writing instructors argue that current activism focuses too much on what adjuncts lack, rather than what they bring to the composition classroom.

I Quit

Tiffany Kraft is fed up with her job and wants to explain the importance of not being an adjunct.

Adjunct Professors Step up Their Efforts to Increase Pay

Andrew Behrendt, an adjunct professor at the University of Pittsburgh, is is among a group of faculty members exploring unionization as a way to press for changes that include higher adjunct salaries.

Leaving Academia? It's Time to Have 'The Talk'

"These days, everyone knows academia is a bad boyfriend (or girlfriend, depending on your sexual preference). Everyone has their own tale about how it keeps pulling them back in, with tantalizing offers of interviews and seductive whispers of funding, and then crushing their hopes into the tiny shards of a broken career.

This isn’t one of those columns. No, this is a column about having 'The Talk.' Not the imaginary one you have with the academy itself—the one in which you finally kick it to the curb. I mean the one you’ll have repeatedly with everyone you’ve known professionally in the past decade of your life."

Is Tenure Dying? Does It Matter?

"The proportion of America’s college students taught by tenured professors has steadily shrunk over the years. As indicated in this space previously, tenured faculty are relatively expensive so college administrators facing financial pressure are increasing the proportion of teaching done by lower priced substitutes- non-tenure-track adjunct faculty, part-time instructors, even retired professors filling in on a temporary basis."