Click on year for link to report
Trends 2012-2016
These reports show instructional staff employment -- tenured faculty, tenure track faculty, part-time non-tenure track faculty, full-time non-tenure track faculty, non-faculty instructors and graduate teaching assistants -- at every college and university in the U.S., as well as summary tables and charts. They include two measures of contingency, the percent of faculty off the tenure track (the "faculty non-tenure track rate") and the percent of instructional staff off the tenure track (the "contingency rate").
By Steven Shulman, Sue Doe, Natalie Barnes, and Mike Palmquist,
January 2016
In Fall 2010, the Coalition for the Academic Workforce surveyed non-tenure track faculty members (also called “contingent” faculty or “adjunct” faculty) in colleges and universities across the United States. 28,974 of these faculty members responded, making the CAW data set one of the largest sources of information available about the characteristics and work conditions of contingent faculty.