This page responds two overlapping exigencies. First, it’s a convenient place to find statements from multiple organizations without having to visit all their websites. As those statements are revised/updated/replaced, then this should also be the place people can reasonably expect to find the most recent ones. Second, it’s an attempt to respond to Provision A.1 of the Indianapolis Resolution (linked below), which “call[s] upon disciplinary and professional organizations such as NCTE/CCCC, ADE, MLA, RSA, and CWPA to consolidate and publicize the numerous extant professional standards documents on one user-friendly, accessible website; and where appropriate to revise or update those standards.”
If you have statements, updates, or questions, please contact us at
In addition to statements explicitly addressing labor concerns, several others have language/sections in them you may find helpful for supporting NTT faculty renewals, WPA tenure/promotion cases, and so on. We will update this list often.
See especially Section 1: Conditions; the entirety of Section 2.
See especially 1c (Assessment is an opportunity for professional development); 2c (Assessments are best conducted by human readers)
Provides recommendations/guidance for new faculty in TT and NTT positions, with and without administrative responsibilities.
Makes strong case for accommodation and inclusion at the CCCC Annual Meetings.
Provides guidelines for evaluating and arguing the value of community-based activities. This updated version (replacing a November 2014 statement) doesn’t make explicit reference to tenure, promotion, or renewal; as such it could support arguments for all three.
Section 11 is explicitly about working conditions.
Overviews the variety of research methods, publication/distribution venues, and kinds of research the field values as scholarship (including WPA work).
Provides departmental evaluation and campus-wide tenure/promotion committees with standards for understanding and evaluating digital work. Although it refers generally to tenure/promotion/reappointment of TT faculty, we believe the substantive arguments apply to NTT faculty who need support for renewals.
The CCCC Labor Caucus introduced a resolution at the 2016 CCCC Business Meeting that was approved. The text of that resolution is as follows– Whereas the Indianapolis Resolution, a collaboratively drafted resolution reenvisioning the Wyoming Resolution, provides a needed response to unfair labor practices experienced by contingent labor and other writing instructors; Whereas the majority of postsecondary writing instruction is the responsibility of contingent labor who need and deserve the support of our professional organization; and Whereas, as of March 2016, the Indianapolis Resolution has received well over 300 endorsements, including current members of the Conference on College Composition and Communication Executive Committee and several other former members and officers; BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that:
We ask that the chair commit to appointing a member to an interorganizational labor board in keeping with Section A of the Indianapolis Resolution.
We ask CCCC to work with relevant committees, task forces, and the general membership to mentor graduate students and contingent faculty on the realities of our labor conditions.
We ask CCCC journal editors and convention organizers to encourage labor-oriented research in keeping with Section C of the Indianapolis Resolution.